BidJDM Blog Information, facts and tricks to using and bidding on real time Japanese auctions


Yay, I have won an auction! Now what!?Youpi! j’ai gagne une enchere!! Et maintenant qu’est ce qu’il se passe?

Welcome back to the bidJDM blog and greetings from the team out here in Tokyo! We have been getting a ton of auctions in to our warehouse and thought this would be a great time to highlight what many bidJDM users have been asking us. "You checked my auctions in to your warehouse I see.  I want to have them shipped to me, what should I do?"

With the bidJDM custom software we tried to make the check out process as intuitive as possible. Once you are logged in to your account please click the blue tab to get to your account page. On the left hand column to the bottom you will see the "bids" section. When you mouse over it you can see that there are a few sections that pop up.

Won bids - These are the auctions that have just been won by you.

Lost bids - These are the auctions that you have not won but bid on.

Current bids - These are the auctions that you are bidding on and that have not ended.

Shippable bids - These are the auctions that are checked in and ready for your to have shipped to you.

Disposal bids - These are the auctions that you have won but for some reason chosen to pay bidJDM to throw away.

For today we want to go to the "Shippable bids" section so lets click there.

Here as you can see, there is a won auction that I can have shipped to me. I will check the box of the auction that I would like to add to the shopping cart for shipping and click "Add to Cart".

Now with the item in my shopping cart I can proceed to check out with express checkout directly with PayPal or I can click "Proceed to Checkout" which will allow me to choose the address that I would like to have the item shipped to .

Now in the check out page I can choose the address I would like to have the item shipped to, I can also add an address here and I can choose the payment method.  Once your order is placed we will send you tracking automatically with tracking links as soon as they become available to us.

Hopefully this will help clear up the check out of your auction goods once we have checked them in.

Thank you again for your support, we will continue to do our best with improving our bidJDM store and service guides.

Welcome back to the bidJDM blog and greetings from the team out here in Tokyo! We have been getting a ton of auctions in to our warehouse and thought this would be a great time to highlight what many bidJDM users have been asking us. "You checked my auctions in to your warehouse I see.  I want to have them shipped to me, what should I do?"

With the bidJDM custom software we tried to make the check out process as intuitive as possible. Once you are logged in to your account please click the blue tab to get to your account page. On the left hand column to the bottom you will see the "bids" section. When you mouse over it you can see that there are a few sections that pop up.

Won bids - These are the auctions that have just been won by you.

Lost bids - These are the auctions that you have not won but bid on.

Current bids - These are the auctions that you are bidding on and that have not ended.

Shippable bids - These are the auctions that are checked in and ready for your to have shipped to you.

Disposal bids - These are the auctions that you have won but for some reason chosen to pay bidJDM to throw away.

For today we want to go to the "Won bids" section so lets click there.

Here as you can see, there is a won auction that I can have shipped to me. I will check the box of the auction that I would like to add to the shopping cart for shipping and click "Add to Cart".

Now with the item in my shopping cart I can proceed to check out with express checkout directly with PayPal or I can click "Proceed to Checkout" which will allow me to choose the address that I would like to have the item shipped to .

Now in the check out page I can choose the address I would like to have the item shipped to, I can also add an address here and I can choose the payment method.  Once your order is placed we will send you tracking automatically with tracking links as soon as they become available to us.

Hopefully this will help clear up the check out of your auction goods once we have checked them in.

Thank you again for your support, we will continue to do our best with improving our bidJDM store and service guides.

Welcome back to the bidJDM blog and greetings from the team out here in Tokyo! We have been getting a ton of auctions in to our warehouse and thought this would be a great time to highlight what many bidJDM users have been asking us. "You checked my auctions in to your warehouse I see.  I want to have them shipped to me, what should I do?"

With the bidJDM custom software we tried to make the check out process as intuitive as possible. Once you are logged in to your account please click the blue tab to get to your account page. On the right hand column to the bottom you will see the "bids" section. When you mouse over it you can see that there are a few sections that pop up.

Won bids - These are the auctions that have just been won by you.

Lost bids - These are the auctions that you have not won but bid on.

Current bids - These are the auctions that you are bidding on and that have not ended.

Shippable bids - These are the auctions that are checked in and ready for your to have shipped to you.

Disposal bids - These are the auctions that you have won but for some reason chosen to pay bidJDM to throw away.

For today we want to go to the "Won bids" section so lets click there.

Here as you can see, there is a won auction that I can have shipped to me. I will check the box of the auction that I would like to add to the shopping cart for shipping and click "Add to Cart".

Now with the item in my shopping cart I can proceed to check out with express checkout directly with PayPal or I can click "Proceed to Checkout" which will allow me to choose the address that I would like to have the item shipped to .

Now in the check out page I can choose the address I would like to have the item shipped to, I can also add an address here and I can choose the payment method.  Once your order is placed we will send you tracking automatically with tracking links as soon as they become available to us.

Hopefully this will help clear up the check out of your auction goods once we have checked them in.

Thank you again for your support, we will continue to do our best with improving our bidJDM store and service guides.

Bienvenue à tous sur le Blog de bidJDM et un grand bonjour à tous depuis Tokyo de la part de toute l'équipe! Nous avons reçu une tonne d'enchères à notre entrepôt et nous nous sommes dit que c'était le bon moment pour mettre en lumière les questions que vous avez nombreux à nous poser. "Mon article est arrivé à votre entrepôt, je veux que vous me l'expédiez, que dois-je faire?"

Avec le moteur de bidJDM, nous avons tenté de rendre le processus de commande aussi intuitif que possible. Une fois que vous êtes logué avec votre compte, cliquez sur l'onglet bleu en haut à droite pour vous rendre dans votre espace personnel. Sur la colonne de gauche, tout en bas, il y a la section "enchères" en passant votre souris dessus vous allez voir quelques sous-sections apparaître.


Enchères remportées - Ce sont les enchères que vous venez de gagner récemment.

Enchères perdues - Ce sont les articles que vous n'avez pas obtenus bien que vous ayez enchérit dessus.

Enchères courantes - Ce sont les articles sur lesquels vous avez une enchère en cours.

Enchères prêtes à être expédiées - Ce sont les articles qui sont arrivés à notre entrepôt et qui peuvent dès à présent vous être expédiés.

Enchères à jeter - Ce sont les articles que vous avez remporté mais dont vous avez décidé de vous débarasser.

Pour aujourd'hui, nous allons aller dans la section "enchères remportées", alors cliquons dessus!

Ainsi que vous pouvez le voir, il y a là un article que je peux me faire expédier. Je sélectionne l'article que je veux recevoir et je l'ajoute à mon Caddie !!

Maintenant que cet article est dans mon Caddie, je peux procéder à la commande, en express, directement avec PayPal, ou bien je peux choisir "procéder à la commande" ce qui me permet d'avoir la possibilité de choisir une adresse différente de la mienne pour la livraison.

Une fois sur la page de la commande je peux choisir l'adresse à laquelle je souhaite être livré, je peux aussi ajouter une adresse et je choisi la méthode de paiement. Une fois que la commande est placée, nous vous communiquons votre numéro de suivi de colis automatiquement accompagné d'un lien.

Nous espérons sincèrement que ceci vous aidera à procéder à la commande de vos articles une fois que nous les avons enregistrés!

Nous tenons aussi à vous remercier tous et toutes pour votre soutient, nous allons continuer à faire de notre mieux pour améliorer les services de bidJDM et mettre à votre disposition bien d'autres petits guides de ce genre!

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